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I’ve known loneliness my whole life. In my younger years, I remember marveling at just how lonely one can feel in a crowded room. Lonely, yet very rarely alone. For some of us this feeling can be more acute than for others, but I would hazard a guess that pretty much all of us know […]

Of loneliness.

September 17, 2021

art, Artist Journey, musings

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So, this is currently happening. I guess Ms. Muse has decided to hang around for a bit!❤️🤞❤️ Work in progress!

Work in Progress

September 17, 2021

art, Artist Journey, WIP

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As many of you know, I haven’t been painting much in the last year or so. Pretty much, not at all. It doesn’t mean I haven’t been creative, I have! Much of my creative energy has been poured into many ways of nurturing in newer and deeper ways. It’s what has been calling to me. […]

The Pandemic Muse

September 17, 2021

art, Artist Journey, musings, WIP

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I don’t have a unique artistic style!! How many times have you thought that before! How many times have you bemoaned the lack of your own recognizable style in your art work? I hear you! I’ve been there! For years I searched for my style! Convinced that my art looked not only like everyone else, […]

Desperately seeking Susan … ahm … style!

June 24, 2019

art, Artist Journey, musings

finding your style